This is just a bunch of my random thoughts and feelings as I watch the deviate. It is just that. Nothing more, nothing less. You may agree with some, you may not but its all good:)
Is it me or does McCain looking like he is struggling to look at Obama as he talks and sit there with his hands crossed and not get up and wander around? I bet that is why they put them in seats.
Is McCain delirious or maybe has dementia? He doesn't seem to understand anything Obama says. I did like the comment Obama made about McCain watching his own ads! LOL
"We are talking about Joe the plumber" comment from McCain...OK, lets look like a bratty child in this debate, AGAIN. Let's not be respectful. Let's be that kid who has to have the last say, has to jump over and look erratic and like a brat. Nothing new here...
What, no flag pin for the "patriot" tonight?
Ok McCain, lets not listen to the moderator and answer the question about what you will cut from your proposals. And what good does a hatchet do THEN a scalpel if you already severed the arm and the infection was only in one finger??
WTF? "I am not Pres Bush. You wanted to run against him you should have run 4 years ago" Ok, child McCain, let's get nasty. How well has that been working for you?
Good statement on even Fox news disputing one of the statements that McCain keeps making that Obama wanted to raise taxes on people making $42,000.
Its like McCain is trying to convince himself as well as others that he DIDN'T support anything Bush said. And his comment about standing up to his party stated at Obama was just childish.
OH my god. McCain is blaming the nastiness on Obama not sitting down to town hall meetings with him. Give me a freaking break! Oh here comes the heartfelt eyes blinking back emotional tears about the comment that someone made.And then he blames Obama for not reputing those remarks that were made that McCain was the negative one. What world is he living in?
McCain should have said thank you when Obama said congrats on the Arizona Cardinals win over Dallas.
And what is the purpose of McCain's over and over and over and over again comments about how Obama is spending the most money ever on negative comments. And get over it on the who Senator Lewis thing and Obama not reputing. Why does he have to? Why should he have to sink to that and keep it on the lips of people.
Obama seems to be the only trying to get the conversation on the real issues and not this "meanness" stuff that McCain seems to be stuck on like a kid who can not get his way. Maybe its true when you get that old you retreat to being like a child!
Ok so according to McCain, its ok for people at HIS rallies to not like Obama and and say things but if Obama doesn't say something about a T-Shirt a person at Obama's rallies wears then Obama is the bad guy. Huh??
How many times is McCain going to interrupt EVERYONE?
McCain says "I don't care about that relationship" referring to Bill Ayers yet in the same breath says we need to know that whole relationship...but yet he does allow Palin to keep saying stuff....
This is what I hear when McCain talks "you did that!! uh huh-yes you did! I don't care if things show you didn't but I KNOW you did. yup yup yup-you did. I am the good one here. HE is the one who is trouble. Pick me teacher, pick me!!!"
Good question. "Why would your running matter be better than your opponents running mate at running the country if needed" Excellent question. Good opportunity for Obama to show what Biden is made of and his values. Now for McCain's answer on Palin...role model to women and reformers all over america? He can't even answer to talk about her with out mumbling and stumbling. I think its because HE doesn't know her and give me a freaking break on the whole "I know special needs children" because she has a special needs child. SHE IS NEVER WITH THAT CHILD!!! And if she really DOES know about special needs children WHY would she ever consider running as VP and all the time she will be away from that child? I think its all B**ls***!
Ok so Obama basically is nice and gives props for Palin's special needs dedication and yet McCain the first thing he does when asked about Biden is rip he for being wrong and doing this and that. One thing that is obvious about his answer is that at least Biden has been involved and has experience to call upon unlike ms Alaska who knows nothing!!!
I hear "nanny nanny boo boo" from substance, just blah blah blah.
Good job Obama at looking into the camera at the American people and not avoiding eye contact like McCain does...of course I am not sure McCain can even see to know where to look!
Looks like he picked up Palin's wink! He is not as cute as she-doesn't pull it off quite as well. Although to me its annoying either way.
Uh Let me just there anything else he does say???
He wants to do this and that instead of "I want to do this" this is all McCain says...
Again, good move on Obama part in answering questions...looking into the camera AT the people watching speaks to them more than as a person TV just talking.
McCain wants the same things Obama does on health having preventive benefits and yet he really thinks that people can get health care for $5000...let's not talk about how people will only see that tax refund on their taxes, not in their pockets and will need to use that saved money on OTHER things anyway.
Ok McCain looks seriously shocks that Obama said $0 on the fee. This is not new. This is something Obama said last week.
McCain isn't even making sense now...he is choking. He doesn't even know what to say. He keeps talking about a fine that Obama just said, AGAIN, that there is no fine.
"senator government" says McCain...
oh my he looked into the camera for a brief second! Shocking!
Question: Will you nominate a judge who disagrees with you on roe v wade?
For the record..."Pro-Choice" is NOT "pro-abortion". "Pro-Choice" is saying that the government does NOT have the right to decide for a woman what she does to her body. If you ask MANY if not most "pro-choice" people, they will say they would never do it. But they will also say that they feel it is the woman's right to chose, not the government and that is the key issue.
If i hear McCain say "pro-abortion" one more time I am going to reach through the screen and strangle him!!!!!!!
McCain looks like an angry little man who is ready to burst and I think as soon as he walks off the stage is going to fire someone just because the steam is coming out of his eyes and ears! He is NOT the person I want representing our country. A man who can not stay "cool" under a little pressure at a debate, how will he stay calm with real world issues? We don't need any more crazies in the office of Pres.
Ok...let's talk about how well McCain knows Palin...starts out talking about autism and then says Sarah Palin knows that well. Her son has Downs Syndrome (they ARE different) and is only 5 months old! She doesn't know anything yet...she is learning but she is learning about Downs not autism!!!
SHUT THE F*** up McCain when Obama is talking...he let's you get your turn so show him some respect!!
The only thing McCain said his closing statement...America can't go on doing the same as we have. Its true...we can't.
Ok...this is my unedited reaction to tonights campaign. I am sure some people will agree and I am sure some will not. This was just my way of putting it out there. "Go vote" :)
My Happiness Project
11 years ago
I loved reading your thoughts on tonight's debate, what a fun idea! I have to say, I was really taken aback by McCain saying Palin knows about Autism. WHAT?!?! I said the same thing you did - Downs and Autism are very different. He is using the word Autism to strike a nerve in the American people - I hope it works against him for those that understand the difference!
Glad you enjoyed it. I was debating myself about posting it but figured what the heck? I didn't go back and edit anything either. Just posted it without re-reading!
I hope he gets backlash too for that autism comment. Dummy doesn't know a thing!
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