Friday, November 28, 2008

I am disgusted and everyone else should be too!

I am a fan of Black Friday and the "deals" it often offers. I am not one who generally goes out at 5am to get a deal but I appreciate the stores that have them for those who do. To me it is the day that not only helps the retailers but it officially starts the holiday season. But what I read today DOES NOT reflect the holiday season and I am completely sick to my stomach over it.

A 34-yr old temporary Wal-Mart employee in Long Island was trampled to death today because a bunch of eager shoppers rushed the store when the doors opened.

You can also see some video report of it here:

Has society really gotten that low that people will push and shove and TRAMPLE people to save a few dollars? And most likely, whatever is they are rushing to buy is not something they need to survive. Nor is it something that will ruin their life if they don't get. But people seemed to have lost sight of courtesey, respect, patience and manners. This guy was working and opening the door to let people in and they trampled him. I'm sorry but the people who rushed into the store like this, was it really worth an innocent man's life?

I can't even really put into words how much this bothers me. I think there need to be some serious laws put in place somewhere to be sure this never happens again. It shouldn't have happened in the first place. I think in part it is Wal-Mart's responsibilty because they obviously didn't have enough security in place but if the crowds were more than they were prepared for, they should have done something. And even more so, the people who knocked this man over, and then the people who continued to rush into the store while there was someone on the ground! This is something you see on TV, not something that should ever be real.

I think everyone who went into that store this morning should be held responsible for this man's death. That may sounds extreme but everyone who passed through that door rushing to some item and had no respect or regard for those around them contributed to this man's death, even if its indirectly. Its incredible to me that even when the police arrived and were trying to aid the guy who had been trampled, they too were being pushed and jostled so shoppers could get into the store. Its disgusting.

I don't know what the authorities did this morning but in my opinion Wal-Mart should not have sold anything to anyone and kept everyone there until the police decided what to do. It was a riot and should have been handled as one. I hope the police are able to use the video cameras and sales reciepts to locate everyone who was there and question them. You can't tell me someone didn't take cell phone pics or videos either. Check Youtube. I am sure there is stuff on there.

I can't even wrap my thoughts around this anymore.

Blog sig Colleen

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