Tuesday, March 17, 2009

American Idol Top 11 week!!! Country Music Week

Ok time for me to talk about Idol!!

First up....why do they make people sing country songs??? It is such a specific type of music. Its like asking them all to sing Rap!!!

And I just HAVE to ask if anyone else noticed the Top 11 American Idol commercial this week where Simon, Paula, Randy and Ryan all had significant lines and focus but nothing for KARA!!! All they did was show her on the panel....hahahahahaha...I think they really do KNOW how much she is hurting the show. I hope she is gone soon!!

First up....

Michael-Definately seemed in his comfort zone and I thought he did a good job. I would like to see him go to the top 10.
(Randy is ridiculus too-he is really starting to iritate me...I think he is taking his cues from Kara.)
Nice response from Michael after Simon spoke.

Allison-I enjoy her. Its hard to believe she is only 16. She has style and a good sound.And she really seems comfortable on stage which projects well when you watch her.

Kris-He has a nice voice and did a good job but he is just not anything special for me at this point. I think he can make it to top ten but if he didn't I wouldn't be heartbroken. He may grow on me more throughout the season because he is good-I just don't know how memorable he is to me just yet. But nice job.

Lil-I know she can sing but I am just not really interested in her. She reminds me of the ego Syesha had last year with this sort of entitled to be there type vibe about her. She definately has a good voice and can sing and I think she will be around for a while and no matter where it ends up she will do something. I just don't really have any love for. I don't have hate (I save that all for Kara) but I don't have any love either. And after she talked while Simon was trying too my impression of her just dropped even further because it was quite rude. I really can't listen to her talk though-I have decided that. Its not quite like listening to Fantasia which my ears just can't handle, but I would like her better if she didn't talk. Its not her voice as much as her attitude that comes out of her mouth.

Adam-I like adam but what is he thinking with this arrangement? If he had done it right I think it could have been a good chance for him to show his abilities but this looked more like a performance from a high school musical and just bad. I wanted to like it but not tonight. Hopefully this will not kill him and we will see him next week. Too much screaming for me. I agree with Simon 100%.

Scott-I like Scott. He is much more comfortable when he is on the piano. I like how the song picked up the second half ands howed more than just his slow song ability. A few rough spots but I liked him and hope he is in for another week!

Ok Paula really annoyed me. What does she want him to do... a jig and fall off the stage because she wants him to dance?? Give me a freakin break. And I am glad that Simon stepped up and said she was being stupid. There is nothing wrong with him sitting at a piano every week-he just needs to change up his song choices because they are all good but they do sound similiar so switching it up will be good but he can do it with a piano. It is a singing competition and singing behind a piano is still singing. Plus last year David Cook played every week but one with his guitar.

Alexis-She did ok but it seemed safe and boring and I didn't think it was all that memorable. I think she could be in trouble this week if people don't remember to vote for her.

Danny-He is good and still gives me chills. I really like him. He still seems a little akward on stage just walking and singing but he sings well. And I do like him.

I am really sick of the Randy-Kara show. They are both obnoxious and Kara has really ruined the judges chemistry. Paula may not be able to always articulate what she wants to say but she has given more constructive advice and less on just saying how people look pretty. Even when I think she is wrong, she at least seems to have a real thought-unlike the bobsey twins who are useless.

Anoop-I like Anoop. I think it was smart to do a different style song and show he can sing a serious song and not just the fun kick back type songs. I think he did really well. I hope to seem him around for a while. I really do enjoy watching him. I like the fun stuff he has done but I also enjoyed the slower song he performed tonight.

Simon said it well.

When Randy talks...and Kara....all I hear is "wah wah wah wah"....

Megan-Yeah not so much. And her fake eye lashes are so big she can't open her eyes. She just does not have a voice I want to listen to...ever. I hope she goes home tonight. Can't listen to her on the tour....

What show is Randy watching "I thought it would be a bit of a train wreck but it was really good"....It was a HUGE trainwreck. And shut up Kara through out the excuse its because she had the FLU-give me a freakin break.....she hasn't been good at all and being sick didn't help at all. She sucked. What is wrong with Simon even thinking it was good??

Matt-He is good and likable. He did well and defiantely is better with the piano like Scott is. I like him. I think he has a strong voice and we just need to see him in a variety of songs to really see he can do a lot and have a wide appeal. I think his voice works well with the piano and would work well without it.

OK...well I have only been watching this show since season 6 and I have to say I really think this year its a tighter competion than in the past seasons. I feel there is no "Sanjaya". I am anxious for tomorrow's show and I will need to get my fingers ready to go do some voting. I am hoping Megan is gone...fingers crossed!!

Blog sig Colleen

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