Thursday, May 1, 2008

TV Talk: American Idol Results *spoilers*

I realize this is a day a late but I still wanted to post my thoughts on last night's episode of American Idol.

The show itself was ok. The results shows are never really anything exciting to be honest, except when they get to the results. I do like the way of "bringing them out" instead of just standing up on the couch bit they did before.

Basically, the way it all played out was that David A, David C and Jason were all safe. That left the bottom two being Syesha and Brooke. The idol going home was Brooke.

I think America got it right. I would have been fine with either girl going. I really think the top three will be Jason, David A and David C with a "David vs David" final. I am *slightly* concerned with the David A fanbase pulling it out and somehow beating David C and while I have had no problems with Savid A, I do think David C is a better choose for the winner. To me, he won it with his performance of Music of the Night". I am hoping that all the people who were Jason, Brooke and anyone else fans will pull it out for David C to win in the end.

For me, David A is nice. But I don't see him as the "American Idol". I feel like he does sing well vocally but he doesn't connect with the songs the way others do and I think that really can just be attributed to his age and lack of life experience. He has a nice story (overcoming vocal paralysis and all) but you need more than that. David C has a nice story too (his sick brother) but David C does NOT use that story to help him which I really respect because he could have really played things for the sympathy vote if he wanted to and it is respectful that he does not do it. I think all in all, that David C is the most talented in showing his ability to choose arrangements and know when to perform a song straight up and show the audience that as well. I will be honest here and say my husband liked David C from the begining and it took a few weeks for him to grow on me. I never not liked him but it was a few weeks in before I appreciated his talent.

I guess that about wraps up my thoughts on the results show. See you next week for more!!

Blog sig Colleen

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